Re: CERT Advisory CA-93:17
Tue, 16 Nov 93 21:18:20 EST

Peter shipley <> wrote:

> CERT Advisory CA-93:17 can be exploited with:

Thank you, Peter, for your posting.  It was crystal clear, to the
point, and contained exactly the information I wanted to see without a
bunch of legal noise.

My next question is, iss anyone here familiar with the regression
testing system that Cygnus wrote (Deja-GNU)?  I'm going to take a look
at it myself this weekend.  What I think would be *really* nifty are
some directions that would allow people to make readable posts like
this that could also be cut out and dropped into an automated testing

Another member of the League for Programming Freedom (LPF)
Brian Bartholomew - - EX-Univ. of Florida Dept. of Mathematics